Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Crazy Week Going On

This is a crazy week. I was hoping to start the after school activities, but ended up only having Tuesday available. This is thanks to having an Early Out Day on Wednesday and Open House on Thursday. No one showed up after school today. I anticipate that it was just hard to get out of after-school practices this early in the year or could be still that initial getting them back in the habit kind of thing.


Lee Kraus said...

Hey Bill. How is it going this week?

Mr. Dorsey said...

Its going better, now 6 students have taken the survey, have their paperwork to sign, created their profiles, and starting to get up to speed. Three are new students with more coming I believe.

Lee Kraus said...

That is good Bill. Let me know if you get the new students. I am going to encourage Maitreyi to stop by your class soon.


Steward Deering said...

Well Bill I hope things are going better for you this week than the week you blogged about.


Forget the Wii

Forget the Wii
This image says it all...