Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Insights Provided by Blogging

A piece of sad news this morning provided a reminder of the great opportunity blogs give us to see inside each other's minds. George Sodini, the man who entered an aerobics class in an LA Fitness center and shot and/or killed several members of the class before killing himself, had apparently kept a blog. According to the new reports, the Mr. Sordini's blog mentioned his own date of death (the same as the shooting) and even mentioned loaded guns as early as January , 2009. As teachers, blogs give us an opportunity to see life through our students eyes. Even if it is through the construct of a class like Globaloria, we should take the time to read our kids posts sincerely. Apparently no one was reading Mr. Sodini's blog. Hopefully, all the blogs that we read will be of a much lighter note but even so, just reading and commenting on our students' blogs is one way of showing our support on their sense and feeling of importance in a world that presents some of them with more than their fair share of pain, shame, and loneliness.


Mr. Allder said...


This is so true. Blogging (and reading our students' blogs) gives us the opportunity to keep aware of what their perspective is concerning their success, failures, motivations, and frustrations. By keeping a finger on their pulse, so to speak, we can be more ready to help them with their class needs. More importantly, we can understand where they are coming from as human beings! Thanks for drawing this conclusion about the Insights provided by Blogging. And thanks for pointing it out to us!


melonie'snewglifeblog said...

I want to echo Jim's sentiments and thank you for this insight and post. I also want to thank you for the presentation on blogging today. I always appreciate any insight.

Idit said...

Hi Bill - I am sad to have missed your presentation today. It sounds fantastic. See you tomorrow. Idit.

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