When my game partner, Neale, first suggested oil spill cleanup as a game topic, I was very eager to demonstrate how complex an issue it is. In a society of quick-fixes and instant gratification, the big picture is hard to see. Though the news networks give fair coverage to the story, I wasn't sure that most of our population cared as much about the complexity of the issue as about the oil blobs on the beaches. Also, though I do hold BP to blame for the disaster, everyone seems surprised that they just can't go in an fix everything and be done with it.
In doing research, I have found it to be more complex than even I understood with a background in zoology and environmental science. For one, I didn't know that another threat to the brown pelicans is that oil in their nesting grounds can soak into their eggs. We only see images of oiled pelicans being cleaned and released into the wild.
Though very complex an issue, I found a video that sums it up very nicely. The image above is a still from SPILLEDOIL.COM, click here to see the clip. Also, check out the MAKE website who created this animation and re-released it to the web in response to the oil spill.
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